Monday 27 April 2009

Fuel lines in

Just a small update about the fuel lines. At first I was going to run 8mm feed and 6mm return lines but was advised by tiger owners to run both lines at 8mm. I popped down a local plumbing shop and picked ut a few metres (only 90p per metre). I decided to to run the fuel lines at the bottom of the tunnel saving the top for the wiring loom. The 8mm pipe was fairly easy to bend but had to watch out for the pipe collapsing unlike the brake pipe. Before I clipped it to the chassis I wrapped spiral wrap around the fuel lines just incase over time they moved and rub on the chassis (also did the brake pipe while I was at it). I used 8mm nylon p-clips along the tunnel and then rubber lined s/steel p-clips at the rear end where I felt more support was needed. When both pipes were finished I was suprised how stiff and secure they ended up.

First fuel pipe done

Both secured

Next job is the suspension and steering. Just waiting for the parts from Tiger. Fingers crossed they wont take long.

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